Hypothesis finding with proof theoretical appropriateness criteria

Authors: Bertram Fronhöfer and Akihiro Yamamoto

Source: Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 350, Issue 1, January 2006, pp. 140-162
(Special Issue Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT 2002)).

Abstract. For two given formulae mathfrak B and mathfrak E with mathfrak B not models E, hypothesis finding means to produce a formula mathfrak H such that mathfrak Bmathfrak Hmathfrak E. Hypothesis finding, or variants thereof, is central to various types of inference, e.g., abductive inference, inductive inference, machine learning, and machine discovery. Clarifying the nature of hypothesis finding is still in its infancy, a situation similar to the establishment of logical foundations of inference related to induction and discovery. Although trivial solutions to hypothesis finding are easy to give, finding appropriate hypotheses still remains as a great challenge. A central role in this context plays the question, what it means for a hypothesis to be appropriate? In this paper we propose an answer to this question, which is based on proof theoretical criteria. This is in contrast to most previous approaches where appropriateness of hypotheses was based on concepts of semantical weakness in classical logic. More precisely, we use provability in Relevance Logic instead of classical semantical entailment, we demand utmost exploitation of the inferential potential (deductive content) inherent in mathfrak Bmathfrak E and we demand mathfrak H to be a minimal deductive supplement to mathfrak Bmathfrak E. Along these lines we developed the concept of a minimized residue hypothesis which also constitutes an interesting trade-off between ‘logical smallness’ and ‘syntactical smallness’.

Keywords: Hypothesis finding; Connection method; Relevance logic; Residue hypotheses; Inductive logic; Abduction and knowledge discovery

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