Learning of Erasing Primitive Formal Systems from Positive Examples
Authors: Jin Uemura and Masako Sato.
Source: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Vol. 2842,
2003, 69 - 83.
An elementary formal system, EFS for short, introduced by
Smullyan is a kind of logic program over strings, and is
regarded as a grammar to generate a language. Arikawa
and his colleagues introduced some subclasses of EFSs
which correspond to Chomsky hierarchy, and showed that
they constitute a useful framework for language learning.
This paper considers a subclass of EFSs, called primitive
EFSs, in view of inductive inference in Gold framework
from positive examples. Shinohara showed that the class of
languages generated by primitive EFSs is inferable from
positive examples, where
substitutions, i.e., substitutions
that may substitute the empty string for variables is not
allowed. In the present paper, we consider allowing
substitutions, and call such EFSs erasing EFSs. It is
unknown whether or not the class of erasing pattern
languages is learnable from positive examples. An erasing
pattern language is a language generated by an erasing
EFS with just one axiom.
We first show that the class
of languages generated by
erasing primitive EFSs does not have finite elasticity, but
has M-finite thickness. The notions of finite elasticity and
M-finite thickness were introduced by Wright, and
Moriyama and Sato, respectively, to present sufficient
conditions for learnability from positive examples.
Moriyama and Sato showed that a language class with
M-finite thickness is learnable from positive examples if
and only if for each language in the class, there is a finite
tell-tale set of the language. Then we show the class
learnable from positive examples by presenting a finite
tell-tale set for each language in the class.
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