
Date: Wed Jul 15 11:15:42 2015

Title: NaDev (Nanocrystal Device development) Corpus Annotation Guideline

Authors: Thaer M. Dieb, Masaharu Yoshioka, and Shinjiro Hara


  • First name: Thaer
  • Last name: Dieb
  • Address: Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Hokkaido University, Japan
  • Email:

Abstract. In order to support nanocrystal device development, we want to utilize information from related publications. We developed a method for constructing an annotated corpus of publications related to nanocrystal device development to support automatic information extraction. The corpus is named ``NaDev'' (Nanocrystal Device Development corpus). In cooperation with domain expert, we defined eight categories of information to be extracted, developed an annotation guideline based on corpus construction experiments, and evaluated the corpus and finalize it with domain expert. NaDev can be used as training data to support an automatic annotation framework to extract experimental information from research papers related to nanocrystal device development. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first attempt to construct a corpus for the development of nanocrystal devices.

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