Preface |
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The first international workshop on Algorithmic Learning Theory (ALT'90) was held in Tokyo, October 8-10, 1990. This volume contains 31 papers including 3 invited papers which were presented at the workshop.
This workshop was the first meeting concentrating on this subject sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, and the ALT workshop is expected to be held every two years in the ALT series started with ALT'90.
In course of evaluating 46 submitted extended abstracts, we could not select 28 papers without invaluable cooperationsof over 70 referees. Each submitted paper was reviewed by at least three referees, including at least one program committee member. The final selection meeting of the program committee was held in Tokyo, June 4, 1990, which consisted of the local members (Japanese members) of the program committee. The decision was, however, made purely on the basisof reviewers reports, so that the results could fully reflect the intensionsof the overseas' committee members.
We would like to thank all the committee members and referees for their excellent work in evaluating and selecting papers, in particular, the assistance by J. Arima, S. Miyana, T. Nishino, Y. Sato, S. Shimozono, T. Shinohara and T. Sugawara. Furthermore, many thanks are due to all those who have contributed in submitting their papers to ALT'90.
Besides 28 selected papers, the program committee has invited 3 lectures by distinguished researchers: ``Mathematical Theory of Neural Learning'' (by S. Amari), ``Decision Theoretic Generalizations of the PAC Learning Model'' (by D. Haussler), ``Inductive Logic Programming'' (by S. Muggleton).
The program committee would like to thank these lectures for having accepted the invitation.
We are very grateful to allinstitutions and corporations which have supported the meeting:
AdIn Research Inc. | CSK | Fujitsu |
Hitachi | IBM Japan | Int. Inform. Sci. Found. |
Matsushita Elec. Indust. Co. | Mitsubishi Elec. Co. | NEC Co. |
NTT | OKI Elec. Indust. Co. | Toshiba Co. |
Last but not least, we would like to express our gratitude to the cooperative work of Ohmsha Limited which made it possible to publish this volume.
Tokyo, October 1990.
S. Arikawa, S. Goto, S. Oshuga, T. Yokomori.
S. Oshuga (Univ. of Tokyo; Chairman) | |
J. Arima (ICOT) | T. Nishida (Kyoto Univ.) |
M. Harao (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) | T. Nishino (Tokyo Denki Univ.) |
S. Honiden (Toshiba) | H. Ono (Hiroshima Univ.) |
M. Ishizuka (Univ. of Tokyo) | A. Sakurai (Hitachi) |
T. Kanamori (Mitsubishi Elec.) | T. Sato (ETL) |
K. Kobayashi (Fujitsu) | T. Shiino (Mie Univ.) |
T. Kurokawa (IBM Japan) | Y. Tanaka (Hokkaido Univ.) |
T. Miyashita (NEC) | M. Uemura (OKI) |
H. Nakagawa (Yokohama National Univ.) | M. Yamazaki (Matsushita Elec.) |
S. Arikawa (Kyushu Univ.; Chairman) | |
T. Yokomori (Univ. Elec.-Comm.; Vice-chairman) | |
D. Angluin (Yale Univ.) | Y. Kodratoff (Univ. Paris-Sud) |
R. Daley (Univ. of Pittsburgh) | A. Maruoka (Tohoku Univ.) |
S. Doshita (Kyoto Univ.) | D. Mitchie (Turing Institute) |
K. Furokawa (ICOT) | M. Sato (Tohoku Univ.) |
M. Haraguchi (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) | M. Shimura (Tokyo Inst. of Tech.) |
H. Imai (Univ. of Tokyo) | T. Shinohara (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) |
Y. Inagaki (Nagoya Univ.) | Y. Shirai (Osaka Univ.) |
H. Inoue (Univ. of Tokyo) | E. Ukkonen (Univ. of Helsinki) |
M. Ishikawa (Kyushu Inst. of Tech.) | M. Warmuth (UC Santa Cruz) |
K.P. Jantke (Leipzig Univ. of Tech.) |
S. Goto (NTT; Chairman), H. Motoda (Hitachi), T. Sugawara (NTT)
and all members of SIG-FAI Technical Committee, JSAI