ALT'91 Table of Contens


Y. Sakai
The logic of molecular geneticists for the understanding of genetic information 3
N. Littlestone
Learning simple Boolean concepts 6
P. Brazdil
Learning in multi-agent environments 15


Neural Networks
A. Namatame
Knowledge -intensive learning in connectionist networks 35
H. Kimoto and T. Iwadera
Learning effect of a dynamic thesaurus in associated information retrieval 47
Inductive Inference
N. Tanida and T. Yokomori
Polynomial-time identification of very regular languages in the limit 61
A. Sakurai
Inductive inference of formal languages from positive data enumerated primitive-recursively 73
M. Sato and K. Umayahara
Inductive inferability for formal languages from positive data 84
Y. Mukouchi
Characterization of pattern languages 93
H. Arimura, T. Shinohara and S. Otsuki
Polynomial-time inference of unions of tree pattern languages 105
S. Tani
On the role of equivalence queries in MAT learning 115
Y. Takada, Y. Sakakibara and T. Ohtani
ACE: A syntax-directed editor customizable from examples and queries 126
Approximate Learning
S. Miyano, A. Shinohara and T. Shinohara
Which classes of elementary formal systems are polynomial-time learnable 139
E. Takimoto and A. Maruoka
Relationships between PAC-learning algorithms and weak Occam algorithms 151
N. Abe
Preservation of predictability under polynomial sparse variations and its applications 163
K. Yamanishi
Learning non-parametric densities by finite-dimensional parametric hypotheses 175
Y. Tsukada and K. Koyama
A knowledge transfer model: From zero-knowledge to full-knowledge 187
K. Koyama and T. Lai
An interactive knowledge transfer model and analysis of ``Mastermind'' game 196
Analogical Reasoning
S. Furuya and S. Miyano
Analogy is NP-hard 207
K. Fujita and M. Harao
Proving based on similarity 213
T. Miyahara
Analogical reasoning using elementary formal systems with mismatch 224
M. Suwa and H. Motoda
The use of abstract primitives in representing the meanings of ``Verbs'' for understanding metaphors 231
R. Orihara
Analogical reasoning as a form of hypothetical reasoning and justification-based knowledge acquisition 243
J. Arima
A logical analysis of relevance in analogy 255
M. Haraguchi
A form of analogy as an abductive inference 266
Inductive Logic Programming
S. Tangkitvanich and M. Shimura
Recovery from multiple faults in relational theory 277
S. Sakurai and M. Haraguchi
Towards learning by abstraction 288
K. Furukawa
Preliminary study on program sunthesis based on induction and verification 299
Index of Authors 307

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