This bibliography, an ongoing project whose goal is to offer a reasonably complete database of publications in computational learning theory, came into existence in 1993 after the publication of the Computational Geometry Column in the Spring 1993 SIGACT News, describing the bibligraphy maintained by that community. At Lenny Pitt's suggestion, Bill Gasarch and Anselm Blumer volunteered to begin a similar effort for computational learning theory.
Dana Angluin, Sanjay Jain, Phil Long and Ron Rivest provided invaluable help by allowing their existing online bibliographies to be merged to provide a starting point. The tables of contents from all the COLT conferences were then added, as well as those papers from STOC and FOCS which seemed the most relevant. Gisli Hjaltason provided invaluable help by programming awk scripts to put everything into a standard format and find duplicates.
From 1993 to 1999 the COLT-bibliography has been continiuously maintained by Bill Gasarch and Anselm Blumer. On behalf of the whole learning theory community I would like to express our sincere gratitude for the enormous amount of work they have invested into this project.
Since January 2000, the COLT-bibliography is maintained by the author of this page.
Last update, July 16, 2004.
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Thomas Zeugmann Division of Computer Science Hokkaido University N-14, W-9 Sapporo 060-0814, JAPAN < thomas @ ist . hokudai . ac .jp>