ALT 2012 Accepted Papers
PAC Bounds for Discounted MDPs
Lower Bounds on Individual Sequence Regret
Sauer's Bound for a Notion of Teaching Complexity
On the Learnability of Shuffle Ideals
Enlarging Learnable Classes
Buy Low, Sell High
A Closer Look at Adaptive Regret
Minimax Number of Strata for Online Stratified Sampling given Noisy Samples
Regret Bounds for Restless Markov Bandits
The Safe Bayesian: learning the learning rate via the mixability gap
Confident and Consistent Partial Learning of Recursive Functions
New analysis and algorithm for learning with drifting distributions
Efficient Protocols for Distributed Classification and Optimization
Online Prediction under Submodular Constraints
On the Hardness of Covariate Shift Learning (and the Utility of Unlabeled Target Samples)
Thompson Sampling: An Optimal Finite Time Analysis
Regular inference as vertex coloring
Data Stability in Clustering: A Closer Look
Kernelization of matrix updates, when and how?
Weighted Last-Step Min-Max Algorithm with Improved Sub-Logarithmic Regret
Partial Monitoring with Side Information
Automatic Learning from Positive Data and Negative Counterexamples
Predictive Complexity and Generalized Entropy Rate
of Stationary Ergodic Processes