We encourage two types of submissions.
Type 1. Submissions to be intended to be published in the postproceedings.
For Type 1 submissions original research work is appropriate. It will be judged by clarity and significance. Joint submissions to other conferences and/or already published or submitted papers are not allowed.
Type 2. Ongoing Reseach Work
We also encourage submissions that present work in progress and the authors may plan to
submit it later and in more polished form to another conference. These submissions
may also include interesting new problems. In this way we hope to encourage interesting
discussions and to start new collaborations.
You may still revise your point of view and submit your Type 2 paper for publication in
the postproceedings. In this case, however, the restrictions of Type 1 submissions
apply from the moment when you made the submission to the postproceedings.
Please indicate on the title page your choice of submission (Type 1 or Type 2).
Submissions should be in the standard format for Springer-Verlag's Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence series and should be no longer than 10 pages.
Submission Deadline: April 19, 2013
Submissions should be sent by email to
Last update March 18, 2013