The proceedings of ALT 2013 are published by Springer
as volume 8139 in their Lecture Notes in Artificial
Intelligence series
which is part of the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series
Please follow the instructions given by Springer when preparing your final version. Manuscripts that do not conform to the formatting instructions will not be included in the proceedings by the publisher.
LaTeX2e, LaTeX, TeX, and Microsoft Word Macros for preparing the camera-ready versions of the manuscript are available on line at:
Please use the macros provided for “Proceedings and Other Multi-Author Volumes” in preparing your manuscripts. You are strongly encouraged to use LaTeX2e, since this will considerably facilitate the preparation of the proceedings and their on-line version.
The PAGE LIMIT in the proceedings is 15 PAGES. This limit is tight.
Your camera-ready copy will be due on July 7, 2013. You should send us your final version via EasyChair as LaTeX2e (strongly recommended), LaTeX, or TeX -file AND as a postscript- or pdf-file. Don't forget to include all style files (other than llncs.cls) and all your electronic pictures, figures etc. Also, provide all your pictures in eps- and pdf-format. When sending a postscript-file, make sure that it will be printable in 600 dpi. Please submit these files via EasyChair.
Alternatively, you can email the final version of your paper as a gzip tar file or a zip file directly (preferred) to
Moreover, we need a copyright form signed by the corresponding author as a scanned pdf-file (preferable) or as fax or hardcopy (we cannot accept email/any other form). The volume title will be
“Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Algorithmic Learning Theory,” and the volume editors are Sanjay Jain, Rémi Munos, Frank Stephan, and Thomas Zeugmann.
The copyright form must arrive before or at July 7, 2013.
The Springer Copyright Form is available at,10735,5-164-2-72376-0,00.html
Please scan the signed hardcopy copyright form and send it with your files. Alternatively, please send the hardcopy copyright form to
- Thomas Zeugmann
- Address:
- Division of Computer Science
- Hokkaido University
- N-14, W-9
- Sapporo 060-0814
- Address:
or fax it to
- Thomas Zeugmann
- number: +81-11-706-7684
Finally, please revise your manuscript in accordance with the comments made by the program committee.
Our publisher has recently introduced an extra control loop: once data processing is finished, they will contact all corresponding authors and ask them to check their papers. We expect this to happen shortly before the printing of the proceedings. At that time your quick interaction with Springer-Verlag will be greatly appreciated.
For checking the correctness of the references you have included into your paper, please visit the COLTBIB. You may also use this opportunity to submit new entries and/or corrections to this bibliography.