Hokkaido University
Graduate School of Information Science and Technology
Division of Computer Science
Laboratory for Algorithmics
Thomas Zeugmann





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Hokkaido University

Selected Publications - Parallel Algorithms

  1. Thomas Zeugmann,
    Improved Parallel Computations in the Ring Zpα,
    Journal of Information Processing and Cybernetics (EIK) 25, No. 10, 1989, 543–547.
  2. Thomas Zeugmann, Parallel Algorithms,
    Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology, Vol. 21, Supplement 6, Allen Kent and James G. Williams (Eds.), pp. 223 - 244, Marcel Dekker Inc. New York and Basel, 1990.
  3. Thomas Zeugmann,
    Computing Large Polynomial Powers Very Fast in Parallel, in “Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 1990, Banská Bystrica, Czechoslovakia, August 1990, Proceedings,” B. Rovan (Ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 452, pp. 538 - 544, Springer-Verlag 1990.
  4. Thomas Zeugmann,
    Highly Parallel Computations modulo a Number Having only Small Prime Factors, Information & Computation Vol. 96, No. 1, 1992, 95 - 114.
  5. T. Erlebach, P. Rossmanith, H. Stadtherr, A. Steger, and T. Zeugmann,
    Learning one-variable pattern languages very efficiently on average, in parallel, and by asking queries, Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 261, Issue 1, 2001, 119-156. (Special Issue for ALT'97).
    Abstract (and link to our pattern language learning page).

For further information, please contact
Thomas Zeugmann
Mailbox "thomas" at "ist.hokudai.ac.jp"

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Last update May 08, 2020.

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