- T. Zeugmann, Inductive Inference of Fast Programs,
in Proc. ``Workshop on Algorithms
and Computing Theory,'' Sept. 7-10, 1981, M. Karpinski and Z. Habasinski (Eds.),
Technical University of Poznan, Poznan 1981, 56 - 64.
- T. Zeugmann,
On the Finite Identification of Fastest Programs, in Proc. ``Symposium
on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science,'' December 6 - 11, 1982,
(H. Rasiowa and H. Thiele, Eds.),
Seminarbericht Nr. 52 der Humboldt--Universität zu Berlin, Sektion
Mathematik, 1983.
- A. Albrecht, H. Jung, and T. Zeugmann,
Bericht zum Adreßprozessorentwurf, Technischer Bericht,
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 1984.
- S. Lange and T. Zeugmann,
On the Power of Monotonic Language Learning,
GOSLER-Report 5/92, FB Mathematik und Informatik, TH Leipzig, February 1992.
R. Wiehagen
and T. Zeugmann,
Inconsistency can be Necessary for Learning in Polynomial Time,
GOSLER-Report 13/92, FB Mathematik und Informatik, TH Leipzig, August 1992.
- S. Lange,
T. Zeugmann and S. Kapur,
Class Preserving Monotonic and Dual Monotonic Language Learning,
GOSLER-Report 14/92, FB Mathematik und Informatik, TH Leipzig, August 1992.
- S. Lange and T. Zeugmann,
Learning Recursive Languages with Bounded
Mind Changes,
GOSLER-Report 16/92, FB Mathematik und Informatik, TH Leipzig,
September 1992.
- T. Zeugmann,
S. Lange and
S. Kapur,
of Class Preserving Monotonic and Dual Monotonic Language Learning,
Technical Report IRCS 92 - 24, Institute for Research in Cognitive
Science, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, 1992.
- S. Lange and T. Zeugmann,
The Learnability of
Recursive Languages in Dependence on
the Hypothesis Space, GOSLER-Report 20/93, FB Mathematik und
Informatik, HTWK Leipzig, July 1993.
- R. Wiehagen, C.H. Smith and T. Zeugmann,
Classifying Recursive Predicates
and Languages,
GOSLER-Report 21/93, FB Mathematik und Informatik, HTWK Leipzig,
December 1993.
- S. Lange and T. Zeugmann,
On the Impact of Order Independence to the
Learnability of Recursive Languages, Research Report ISIS-RR-93-17E,
FUJITSU Laboratories Ltd., Numazu, November 12, 1993.
- T. Zeugmann,
Report on COLT 1994,
ACM SIGACT News, 25, No. 4, pp. 88-95, 1994.
- T. Zeugmann,
Report on COLT 1994,
ACM SIGART Bulletin, 5, No. 4, pp. 25-27, 1994.
- T. Tabe and T. Zeugmann,
Two Variations of Inductive Inference
of Languages from
Positive Data, RIFIS Technical Report RIFIS-TR-CS-105,
RIFIS, Kyushu University 33, March 1995.
- R. Freivalds and T. Zeugmann,
Co-Learning of Recursive Languages from Positive
Data, RIFIS Technical Report RIFIS-TR-CS-110, RIFIS,
Kyushu University 33, April 20, 1995.
- T. Zeugmann,
Lange and Wiehagen's Pattern Language Learning Algorithm: An
Average-Case Analysis with respect to its Total Learning Time,
RIFIS Technical Report RIFIS-TR-CS-111, RIFIS,
Kyushu University 33, April 20, 1995.
- S. Lange and T. Zeugmann,
Modeling Incremental Learning from Positive Data,
RIFIS Technical Report RIFIS-TR-CS-117, RIFIS,
Kyushu University 33, August 29, 1995.
- S. Lange,
R. Wiehagen
and T. Zeugmann,
Learning by Erasing,
RIFIS Technical Report RIFIS-TR-CS-122, RIFIS,
Kyushu University 33, February 13, 1996.
T. Erlebach,
P. Rossmanith,
H. Stadtherr,
A. Steger, and T. Zeugmann,
Efficient Learning of One-Variable
Pattern Languages from Positive Data,
DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-128, Department of Informatics,
Kyushu University, December 12, 1996.
Abstract (and link to our
pattern language learning page)
or as xbm-file Abstract (and same link).
- J. Case,
S. Jain,
S. Lange
and T. Zeugmann,
Incremental Concept Learning for Bounded Data Mining,
DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-136, Department of Informatics,
Kyushu University, April 1997.
- R. Reischuk
and T. Zeugmann,
Learning One-Variable Pattern Languages in Linear Average Time,
DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-140, Department of Informatics,
Kyushu University, September 1997.
P. Rossmanith and
T. Zeugmann,
Learning k-Variable Pattern Languages Efficiently
Stochastically Finite on Average from Positive Data,
DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-145, Department of Informatics,
Kyushu University, January 1998.
- R. Reischuk
T. Zeugmann,
Analyzing the Average-Case Behavior of Conjunctive
Learning Algorithms,
DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-153, Department of Informatics,
Kyushu University, August 1998.
- R. Reischuk
T. Zeugmann,
An Average-Case Optimal One-Variable Pattern
Language Learner,
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report TR98-069,
December 08, 1998.
- F. Stephan and
T. Zeugmann,
Learning Classes of Approximations to
Non-Recursive Functions,
DOI Technical Report DOI-TR-166, Department of Informatics,
Kyushu University, July 1999.
- S. Lange,
G. Grieser and
T. Zeugmann,
Learning Approximations of Recursive Concepts,
Schriftenreihe der Institute für
Informatik/Mathematik, SIIM-TR-A-01-03, Medizinische Universität zu
Lübeck, March 4, 2001.
- S. Jain,
E. Kinber,
R. Wiehagen and T. Zeugmann,
Refutable Inductive Inference of Recursive Functions,
Schriftenreihe der Institute für
Informatik/Mathematik, SIIM-TR-A-01-06, Medizinische Universität zu
Lübeck, May 11, 2001.
John Case,
Sanjay Jain,
Rüdiger Reischuk,
Frank Stephan,
T. Zeugmann.
A Polynomial Time Learner for a Subclass of Regular Patterns,
Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report TR04-038,
April 28, 2004.
- Frank J. Balbach and
Thomas Zeugmann.
Teaching Learners that can only Perform Restricted Mind Changes,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A,
TCS-TR-A-05-5, Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, July 18, 2005.
Thomas Zeugmann.
From Learning in the Limit to Stochastic Finite Learning,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A,
TCS-TR-A-05-8, Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, August 27, 2005.
- Frank J. Balbach and
Thomas Zeugmann.
On the Teachability of Randomized Learners,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, April 26, 2006.
- Ryutaro Kurai,
Shin-ichi Minato,
Thomas Zeugmann.
N-gram Analysis Based on Zero-suppressed BDDs,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, June 17, 2006.
- Jan Poland
Thomas Zeugmann.
Fundamental Research for Knowledge Federation
In Meme-Media Technology Approach to the R&D of
Next-Generation Information Technologies.
21COE Program in Information, Electrics, and Electronics
at Hokkaido University.
3rd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Knowledge Network
Environment, February 27-March 1, 2006, Sapporo Convention Center,
Sapporo, Japan, Presentations of COE Program Members,
pp. 23-32, 2006.
- Jan Poland
Thomas Zeugmann.
Spectral Clustering of the Google Distance,
In Meme-Media Technology Approach to the R&D of
Next-Generation Information Technologies.
21COE Program in Information, Electrics, and Electronics
at Hokkaido University.
3rd International Symposium on Ubiquitous Knowledge Network
Environment, February 27-March 1, 2006, Sapporo Convention Center,
Sapporo, Japan, Postdoctoral Fellows Presentation,
pp. 25-32, 2006.
- 岩崎 玄弥,
湊 真一,
ツォイクマン トーマス,
人工知能学会 第63回 人工知能基本問題研究会,
SIG-FPAI-A601, pp.65-70, 2006.
- Jan Poland
Thomas Zeugmann.
Clustering based on Graph Cuts,
人工知能学会 第63回 人工知能基本問題研究会,
SIG-FPAI-A601, pp.77-82, 2006.
Thomas Zeugmann.
Course Notes on Theory of Computation,
TCS Technical Report,
Series B, TCS-TR-B-07-2,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, August 15, 2007.
- Yohji Akama and
Thomas Zeugmann.
Consistent and Coherent Learning with δ-delay,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-07-29,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, October 5, 2007.
- Steffen Lange,
Thomas Zeugmann and
Sandra Zilles.
Learning Indexed Families of Recursive Languages from Positive Data,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-07-31,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, October 30, 2007.
Thomas Zeugmann and
Sandra Zilles.
Learning Recursive Functions,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-07-32,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, November 18, 2007.
- Shane Legg,
Jan Poland,
Thomas Zeugmann.
On the Limits of Learning with Computational Models,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-08-34,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, January 16, 2008.
Thomas Zeugmann.
Course Notes on Complexity and Cryptography,
TCS Technical Report,
Series B, TCS-TR-B-08-4,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, April 16, 2008.
- Charles Jordan
Thomas Zeugmann.
Contributions to the Classification for Testability:
Four Universal and One Existential Quantifier,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-09-39,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, November 2009.
- Rūsiņš Freivalds
Thomas Zeugmann.
On the Amount of Nonconstructivity in the Inductive Inference of
Recursive Functions,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-10-49,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, December 2010.
- Sanjay Jain,
Frank Stephan,
Thomas Zeugmann.
On the Amount of Nonconstructivity in Learning Formal Languages from Text,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-12-55,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, March 2012.
- Rūsiņš Freivalds
Thomas Zeugmann.
Active Learning of Classes of Recursive Functions by Ultrametric Algorithms,
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-13-68,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, October 2013.
- Ziyuan Gao,
Sanjay Jain,
Frank Stephan,
Thomas Zeugmann.
On the Help of Bounded Shot Verifiers, Comparers, and Standardisers in Inductive Inference.
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-17-82,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, November 2017.
Thomas Zeugmann.
Taking Discrete Roots in the Field Zp and in the Ring
TCS Technical Report,
Series A, TCS-TR-A-19-83,
Division of Computer Science, Hokkaido University, July 2019.
For further information, please contact
Thomas Zeugmann
"thomas" at "ist.hokudai.ac.jp"
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Last update May 08, 2020.